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This was a great game. Although I am not trans myself(well, more like I don't ID much with the label), it does hurt and absolutely sucks to see this happen to many trans folks. I wish others were more considerate and understanding, and I'm very hopeful that being queer will become a norm in the future and folks wouldn't have to worry much about being discriminated against or ostracized.

Thank you for making this! (Ignore the haters, they don't mean shi* ;) )


I am transgender male and this game is relatable I remember one person kept saying "goofy ass lesbian girl trying to give herself a boy name" yet only using my new name to make fun of me when I saw "it's he.." I knew immediately how relatable this game was thank you for spreading the awareness :)


Bizarre and self-absorbed nonsense.




lmao i approve of the message but this is so stupid, stuff like this is what gives you guys the negative stereotypes


That's chronologically inaccurate.


as a trans person this actally more helpful its a way for the game developer to vent about struggling with their identity and helps other trans people know they arnt alone also i dont know know if you met this in a victuim blamey thing but telling people somthing they do especially when they just make a cute game for other trans people and help then know they are valid is why a group has negative stereotpyes is wrong and sounds like your trying to blame up just for sticking up for ourselves (if i read your sentance wrong im sorry)


I had to stop playing a bit into it because I really don't wanna voluntarily remind myself of bad experiences.

however, I must say, lovely job!




you people still exist?? lmao it's not that hard to accept that not all men were born men and not all women were born women


yOu wIlL NeVeR Be a rEaL WoMeN >:(  grrrrgrrrgrgrr , thats what you sound like rn bestie so like i need you to stop being so butt hurt over trans people existing and using the pronounces they want


While short and simple in gameplay, it's a very good game, and the message behind it is exactly what people need to learn about to respect transexuals, like you would respect any other person.

Here's a PSA for ya: if you're a dick to transexuals and LGBTQ+, and actively try to offend/harass/objectify/ridicule/abuse them, I see no reason why I shouldn't return the favor and call you a piece of shit. Because that's what you are. You're a piece of shit. You keep disrespecting people that are even just a little different than you, just because your weak lil brain can't comprehend the very simple concept of not being the only type of person on this fucking planet. They've done nothing wrong to you, and yet you keep being a lil shit for no reason.

By being destructive, and refusing to be civil when discussing about this kinda stuff, you're essentially killing humanity as a whole. Slowly, but surely. We're all more than willing to discuss, and be respectful and polite, but it has to go both ways. I'm not asking you to knee down or put us on a pedestal, I'm asking you to respect us in the same exact way you would respect anyone else, a.k.a. without slurs or insults thrown at us every 5 seconds. It's not that hard. It really isn't, and you're delusional if you think that.

In general, the more destructive you'll act towards others, the more conflicts there will be, and the less progress our society will do as a whole. Do you STILL want to go back to the neverending horror and killing that have been wars? I'm sure you don't. Nobody with a functioning brain does (keyword being "functioning"). We lost so, so many humans because of wars, all for nothing. It's insane. People without a brain still praise this shit.

Everything that happened in the wars, every person shot by a bullet, every resource that has been destroyed, every bomb that has been dropped, every family that has been decimated and killed, could've all been easily avoided, through diplomacy and strategic planning. Through civilty, discussion, and a pinch of respect. Learning to understand each other. Y'know, since we all live on the same planet, you could at least try that.

But you prefer killing over that, don't you. You prefer being a disrespective lil shit, and bringing down innocent people, and starting fights for no reason. Go ahead then, see where that gets you, and all of humanity. I'll give ya a hint: inside the fucking ground. Good day.


lol ok girl


dont you have like? a job or smth? or are you unsuccessful cause i wouldnt be surprised


Dumbass, you know that saying shit like that hurts people, right? But I bet you don't care because all you care about is yourself and making others feel bad. And don't even think about playing the victim here, because you are not the victim, the person who created this made it to bring awareness to a problem, and then you're over here talking out of your ass? Maybe if you pulled the stick out of your ass you might see things in a different light.


yes i praise you for saying that 

(1 edit) (+6)

being transphobic is not making you any better of a person either.



and i am sorry if this was offensive but i had to be said and you need to be nice to people cause Carmas a bitch and you dont want carma from meh


shut up you transphobic piece of trash. go eat a bag of dicks


Lol ok *man
There, fixed what you said there

wow really still trying this transphobic shi* rn? Under a nice trans game where all the trans people can des** for saying it - the cisaucity!

stfu and stay within your limits - don't pull this bigoted bs with us just because you have a lack of love and empathy.




lmao did you have to leave 2 comments about this? like we get it your a piece of shit


Yes indeed, you are trash! It's good to recognize what you are. Although I would argue that trash can at the very least be recycled, while you serve no purpose at all.


aww im so proud of you for realizing you are trash good for you bestie!

are you telling us your pronouns or what you identify as? We accept!


It's not always about the  "lack of emphathy" or " being hateful" and more of just not understanding or even being able to. As someone with mental health issues for almost all my life I know this all too well. True it doesn't make it ok but mostly the id part made me feel that maybe you should also look at yourself and understand it's not all about you and they had every reason to check your id because people ARE so crazy to try to sneak in a dorm for what ever reason.

But all said i very much DO hope that people would let others be theirselves as long as they are not hurting others. Best wishes for happier life.


Hi Zayn, thanks for sharing this game. I found the instant messaging format to be particularly powerful. 

I've been commisioned to write a piece about queer games and was hoping to ask you a few questions about the game to feature in it. If you would be comfortable with that, where would be the best place for me to contact you? You can also get in contact with me at

Thanks very much,



Hi Florence, I am not terribly active on here and I apologize for missing this! I know it has been quite a while since you posted this but I still wanted to follow up in case you would like to touch base. All my best!



As a person living in Turkey, a country with mostly homophobic and transphobic people in it, this game really touched me. I think the main problem with people who act with their hate towards trans and other LGBT people is their incredible lack of empathy. Their primal sense of hate towards a slightest difference. I think games and experiences such as LifeLine are capable of making us feel how it affects LGBT people by putting us in the shoes of these wonderful people who just want to be accepted. 

Please never fear while facing the ignorance. Your braveness is encouraging everyone around you. 


Thank you for this beautiful and wonderful comment. I am grateful for your kind words!



I don't understand well about this situation or topic, but that is what game (in general understand) is about make experience that the player would never have in real life and pass some idea or mensage for them.

Maybe someday I understand more, but for now, I will just think about, empathize and try to learn.

PS: My english is not good


Empathy is the way to understanding and I am grateful that you are willing to learn and understand different perspectives! 

All my best, 



thank you for this. i mean its just my daily struggle buts its nice to see it in text game form, you know? hopefully some people who aren't trans play this and learn something or sympathize a little more.


I hope so too. It's my daily struggle too which is why I created it. Hopefully others will get to see what we go through everyday. Share it with folks you feel need to play this!
